Thursday, October 05, 2006

This Charming Man

Well this Friday and Saturday are my schools Homecoming. I'm going for the Saturday festivities and from 3-4 I sell pizza. I have no idea what is happening but we have alot of and there will be some other activities which I don't know about. But yea I should be there from 1 till 4 or 5. So if anyone wants to come...come. But I won't promise you'll be able to find me. Find a sophmore looking person and ask for me.
I've offically lost my awesome story. I really don't know where it is, and I think I'm going to put a hole in the wall if I can't find it. Twenty freaking pages and a week of writing!! That really makes me the mad.
I gotta say I have found a food that I love at Mickey D's. (or mcdonalds) Its the quarter pounder with cheese. Wow we went there the other night after Erins , which she totally won, and I ordered that and it was freaking awesome! The french (freedom) fries have gotten an upgrade too. All in all Mickey D's has gotten better.

So ok I'm going to go. THXKBAI

This Charming Man, Cab for Cutie
"I would go out tonite but I haven't got a stich to wear."