Tuesday, November 21, 2006

List of...Things

Full Name: no

Age: 15
School: Annapolis Area Christian
Email: no
Eyes: slightly hazel, otherwise brown
Hair: brown
Height: 5' 9"
Shoe Size: 10
Who lives with you: oh you know, whoever wants
When is your bedtime: only God knows

---------HAVE YOU EVER--------
Flown on a plane: yes
Drank so much water that you started to feel sick: i hateth water, but no
Missed school because it was raining: not really, no
Told a girl that you liked them?: yea ;)
Been hurt emotionally: yea
Kept a secret from everyone: um....yes
Had an imaginary friend: yes, what about it!?
Ever talked to yourself: all the time
Been on stage: yes
Cut your hair: yes
Had crush on a teacher: no, i really dont think so, none of them were hawt. lawl

Shampoo: Herbal Essences with Hydrating...stuff
Favorite colors: black and white
Day/Night: Night (you can sneak around)
Summer/Winter: Winter, easier to get warm then cool
Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny, classic though, none of that new crap
Favorite Food: my moms mexican soup or ms. foxes brocolli cheddar
Favorite Advertisement: budwiser comercials
Favorite Drink: mountian dew (from dew to you)
Favorite Person to talk to online: Lauren (duh)
Favorite Sport: Lacrosse
Favorite car: Lamborginni

------------RIGHT NOW-------------
Wearing: absolutley nothing
Eating: eh, dinner should be ready soon
Drinking: water (omygosh!)
Thinking about: Lauren
Listening to: Give it All by Rise Agianst
--------IN THE LAST 24 HRS---------
Cried: nope
Laughed: heck yes
Worn Jeans: yes
Done Laundry: yes
Drove a car: not offically
Talked on the phone: yes
Said "I love you": um...

---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
Yourself: yes
Your friends: most of them
Santa Claus: belive in my parents? yes
Tooth Fairy: never able to prove otherwise, so yes
Destiny/Fate: a little
Angels: yes
Ghosts: yes
UFO's: yes
God: yes

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE-----------
Do you ever wish you had another name? sometimes
Do you like anyone? oh yea
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? I think James (friend from school)
Which of your friends have you known the longest? uh...here? the cooks
Who's the loudest: Erin
Who's the shyest: Lauren at times
Are you close to any family members?: eh...my dad maybe
Who do you hang out with the most? family: Dj friends: the cooks and brian
When you cried the most: wha?
What's the best feeling in the world? apparently its sex, but I wouldn't know
Worst Feeling: not loved
What time is it now? 5:18
Let's walk in: a park
Let's run through: a river
Let's dance in: the snow
Let's look at the: girls...just kidding, uh....snowflakes
What a nice: boy
Where did all those: come from?
When will they: go away?
How are: your dead gophers?
Why can't you: just fly!?
Silly, little: peanut
Show me some: money!
The sky is: blue
Tell me: your dirty little secret
Hide me: from your parents!
Love me: fo ever!
My mom thinks you're: cute
He's not: cute
Are you that: one guy....
Can't you: sing right?!
What time is it now: 5:23