Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So this is what We are Up Agianst?

What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?
Answer and you get a prize...

Well, I've been very busy and very tired these past couple of days, school has been hectic, I got a big detention for disrespecting a teacher, but I have been getting good grades, and other than the detention things have been going well. So christmas has been ruined, my mom is mad at me, a lot of people are mad at me at school, but I've grown closer to other peoples. So things are kinda balanced out, and I'm really cold right now, but I've got a nice mexican blanket around my shoulders, thanks to Lauren. But my feets are still cold. I'm listening to This Photograph is Proof by Taking Back Sunday. I watched Family guy from last night, it was very wrong and very funny. I laughed hard. I really need to get my homework done, and go to bed, I also need a shower. I think I'm going to lift weights...ok good night.

Oasis, "Wonderwall"
"Cause after all, your my wonderwall..."