Monday, October 02, 2006

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Well this is strange day. It has left me very confused but happy, but sad. I think I should get used to it.
I'm very mad, I've his a writing block, and I don't know what to write about. Right now I'm kinda writing a prolouge to my short story but I'm not sure I like it. I doesn't really explain much except for a little insignificant peice of info. All it is, is another battle. I have problems with the story. Orignally it was supposed to be just pratice for writing, but it kind of expanded, so then I had to include an acutal story other than a big war thing. So its weird, I want to add a great story, but thats the thing, I shouldn't 'add' anything. The story should have been there from the beginning, but now that it wasn't, I don't know how the final peice will work out....
Also Rich is helping me, and he will hopefully do some artwork for the sort story. Like cover art and some of the more intense scenes, there might be some gore. So buyers be warned. I don't want to include alot of and gore, but I feel the need to express the desperation of the characters and the stuggles of war. So and some gore will be included in the artwork.

Todays school was very good, I limited the "making a fool of myself" to minimum. But I still haven't broken the caffine addiction. We had picture day today, and I my smile, Its too....childish. I still have that baby face. I need to work out more to chisel away the roundness. Laugh out loud (lol).

So I wrote alot, and I just want the day to be over. Good night and God Bless....

"Ocean Avenue" Yellowcard
"If I could find you now, things would get better, we could leave this town and run forever, let your waves crash down on me and take me away..."

Clicky for bigger image


At 12:37 PM, Blogger SmallFri said...

Why did today leave you confused??? Im sorry about your story...hope it all comes together for you!!!! Thats cool that Rich is helpin' you!!!
Your smile isn't bad or childish!!! their is nothing wrong with having a baby face...some girls like that!!! *giggles*

Hey I love that song...I didn't realize that it was Yellowcard!!

Hope to see ya soon...

Hugs to my favorite guy!!!!!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger mjke said...

yesterday just seemed...uncomfortable and stuff...I have decided to cut my story into parts. and I am offically done with part I, without editing and stuff though.

hugs to my favorite girl!!!

At 3:26 PM, Blogger We're all porcelain said...

hey dont worry about adding the story, usually when i write, i jsut right, and read it over at the end, things just happen maybe thats just my style but you should try it out. youll be suprised at the techniques you use and the plots you come up with

At 6:17 PM, Blogger aly said...

Mike just stick with it. You are very creative. I know that you can finish.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger matanda said...

dude, lauren totally knows what shes talking about, the baby face is hott. yes thats hott with 2 t's!! lol. btw, i lovve i write sins not tragdies, it used to be my myspace song! yay! lol. <3

At 2:35 PM, Blogger mjke said...

whoa, two "t's"!!


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