Thursday, August 24, 2006

My New Story!

The Ghost Of…

The hidden sniper at the edge of the forest told him six soldiers were stationed twenty meters from his position. His Heads Up Display (HUD) confirmed that also. The sniper also said six more were a half click away. His squad could handle the first six but without silencers they would have to deal with the second six. If he could quickly eliminate the first group, then he could position his soldiers to prepare for the second wave. The sniper would provide as much cover as he could, but his four man team would be stretched. It really didn’t matter anyways; command had ordered his patrol to eliminate any opposition he encountered. With a sigh he turned towards his men.

The particular area to which he had been assigned was an old war-torn trailer park. The place hadn’t been cleared or totally ed out, so many trailers still stood. Aside from that many had large holes blown into and through them. Surgical strikes had been called in before and large scorched craters dotted the area.

It took him thirty seconds to brief his troops and another thirty to check their equipment. He radioed the sniper to shoot at the lieutenant in command in twenty seconds from the time they were in position.

Ten more seconds and they were in position.

They split into two, two man squads, one squad nearly completely opposite of the other for a sandwich maneuver. Once the sniper fired, he and the heavy machine ner would open fire. Then after three of the six were killed, the other squad would join the fray. It would be over soon enough.

The two men watched the lieutenant and waited for him to drop. He was walking towards a man that lay underneath an awning by a trailer. The large trailer obscured the snipers shot. But only for a second, the snipers round could pierce anything. He filtered the HUD to heat vision.

The shot went straight through the aluminum trailer. When it hit the lieutenants chest, the round went straight through and his chest caved in. A geyser of crimson sprayed the soldier on the ground.

He raised his modified X-8 and fired two shots into the soldier on the ground. The man screamed as the bullets passed through his chest and another round crushed his skull.

The enemy soldiers were well trained and recovered quickly. They had grabbed their s and were diving for cover. He targeted one that had dove under a trailer, and opened fire.

The bullets blasted divots all around the prone soldier, but nothing hit him.

The soldier returned fire and the large M29 Machine blasted away large chunks of his cover. He grunted and pulled away. He looked around and dove for a large piece of metal.

The soldier had continued to fire upon him and the rounds were starting to break through the metal he hid behind. So he took a , pulled the pin, and counted to three. Then he through it three feet in front his adversary.

The resulting explosion didn’t kill him, but the shrapnel that flew in all directions tore ragged fleshy holes in his face. The captain jumped up and fire two three shot bursts to silence his screams.

He reloaded his magazine, and peeked around the piece of metal. A round nearly took off his face, and he swung his head back. He glanced over to where he last saw his companion. He was lying on the ground, and not moving. His HUD told him his vitals were dropping rapidly, but he couldn’t possibly move without exposing himself.

He took a smoke and threw it just over his cover.

He heard shots of his other squad opening fire on the enemy, and hoped it would be over soon.

The obscured his movements and he rushed to the side of his ally. He had taken four shots to the shoulder and chest, and his leg was missing at the knee. He checked his Kevlar vest and he saw they used armour rounds.

The rounds had dug deep into his vital organs, and he knew he wouldn’t make it.

Then, his com led. “Sir, the other six are here, and Alpha 1 reports more are on the way.”

Roger, try to get to my position, Delta 2 is down.”

The com double clicked in affirmation.

He looked up and tried to see where his men were coming from, but the smoke was too much. He crouched and waited.

Thirty seconds later, the smoke cleared and he was back to fighting. He could see three soldiers now, each hiding behind large pieces of cover, with now clear shot. So he lobbed a near the closest soldier. The resulting explosion threw up tons of dirt and it obscured the field. He changed targets and put suppressing fire on another, before the dust cleared.

After the dust cleared, he quickly switched targets again. The man had covered his head from the blast, but the shrapnel had bit huge chunks out of his arm and shoulder.

He aimed for the prone soldier and fired.

Two shots went wide, one three hit the over he hid behind, but the one hit his shoulder. From there he took advantage and finished him.

But now the others were pressuring him, and he couldn't emerge without being hit. So he primed two smoke s to mask his movements.

He threw one out in the middle of the fray and one close to his position. But the enemy soldiers were smarter than that. They took aim at the first and shot at it, so that it went skidding away. The second they took care of with a .

The second sent him scrambling, and he got a few pieces in his back and legs.

He was desperate now and radioed his comrades.

Deltas where are you!”

He waited but all he got was constant static.

He tried the sniper in the forest, “Alpha 1 do you copy? Alpha 1, respond.”

The com remained silent.

He got up and ran to a rather large trailer and opened the door. Bullets pinged against the metal as he closed the door.

He tried to look out the window but when he did bullets shattered the glass and he was forced to duck.

He just waited there, resigned to die, waiting for them to come.

Soon heard voices outside his temporary residence. Then incendiary s were tossed through the windows. He grabbed for one, but it had already been cooked off, and it exploded in his hand.

The blast shredded his arm up to the elbow and the ignited his clips. Then the second and third s went off.

The stuck to his flesh and burned it to the bone almost instantly. The bullets that were set off went flying in all directions, into his legs, his stomach and even his face.

He ran out his flaming tomb screaming and on fire. The flames ate away at him, but kept him alive so he could feel the excruciating pain that racked what was left of his broken body.

He fell out of the trailer and just lay there screaming. No soldier would be merciful and put a bullet in his head.

The End

notes: some workds might be missing.


At 10:35 PM, Blogger matanda said...

so that was well written, but it sure wasnt a romance! lol. your good, really good at this whole writing thing...and i cant wait for the first romance novel. you will totally be the nxt nick sparks.


At 10:36 PM, Blogger matanda said...

ooops. i meant ♥ , not &herats;.


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